[:pb]Centro de Treinamento Paraolímpico Brasileiro formaliza início de atividades
Aconteceu na manhã desta segunda-feira, 23 de maio, o início das atividades do Centro de Treinamento Paraolímpico Brasileiro, que fica no Parque Fontes do Ipiranga, na capital paulista.
Referência internacional em treinamento e avaliação dos atletas paradesportivos, o Centro de Treinamento tem como objetivo fomentar o paradesporto brasileiro, criando condições para que os atletas se destaquem nas competições, dando ênfase às técnicas avançadas e novas tecnologias.
O Centro é fruto de uma parceria do Governo do Estado de São Paulo, por meio da Secretaria de Estado dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência, com o Governo Federal, pelo Ministério do Esporte, e o Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro.
As 15 modalidades que o CT contempla são: atletismo, basquete em cadeira de rodas, bocha, natação, esgrima em cadeira de rodas, futebol de 5, futebol de 7, goalball, halterofilismo, judô, rúgbi, tênis, tênis em cadeira de rodas, triatlo e voleibol sentado. Ele está dividido em 11 setores que englobam áreas esportivas de treinamento, hotel, centro de convenções, laboratórios, condicionamento físico e fisioterapia.[:en]Brazilian Paralympics Training Center formalized the start of activities
It took place in the morning of Monday, the 23rd, the opening of the Brazilian Paralympics Training Center, located at the “Fontes do Ipiranga Park”, in São Paulo city.
International reference in the evaluation and training of Para sports athletes, the goal of the Training Center is to foster Brazilian Para sports, creating better conditions for athletes to improve in competitions, emphasizing both advanced techniques and new technologies.
The training center is the result of the partnership between São Paulo State Government, through the São Paulo State Secretary of Rights of People with Disabilities, and the Federal Government, by the Ministry of Sports and the Brazilian Paralympics Committee.
The 15 programs that the Training Center offers are: athleticism, wheelchair basketball, bocha, swimming, wheelchair fencing, five football, seven football, weight lifting, judo, rugby, tennis, wheelchair tennis, triathlon and seated volleyball. It is divided in 11 sectors, which includes training sport areas, hotel, conventions center, labs, physical conditioning and physical therapy.
Brazilian Paralympics Training Center formalized the start of activities
It took place in the morning of Monday, the 23rd, the opening of the Brazilian Paralympics Training Center, located at the “Fontes do Ipiranga Park”, in São Paulo city.
International reference in the evaluation and training of Para sports athletes, the goal of the Training Center is to foster Brazilian Para sports, creating better conditions for athletes to improve in competitions, emphasizing both advanced techniques and new technologies.
The training center is the result of the partnership between São Paulo State Government, through the São Paulo State Secretary of Rights of People with Disabilities, and the Federal Government, by the Ministry of Sports and the Brazilian Paralympics Committee.
The 15 programs that the Training Center offers are: athleticism, wheelchair basketball, bocha, swimming, wheelchair fencing, five football, seven football, weight lifting, judo, rugby, tennis, wheelchair tennis, triathlon and seated volleyball. It is divided in 11 sectors, which includes training sport areas, hotel, conventions center, labs, physical conditioning and physical therapy.
Brazilian Paralympics Training Center formalized the start of activities
It took place in the morning of Monday, the 23rd, the opening of the Brazilian Paralympics Training Center, located at the “Fontes do Ipiranga Park”, in São Paulo city.
International reference in the evaluation and training of Para sports athletes, the goal of the Training Center is to foster Brazilian Para sports, creating better conditions for athletes to improve in competitions, emphasizing both advanced techniques and new technologies.
The training center is the result of the partnership between São Paulo State Government, through the São Paulo State Secretary of Rights of People with Disabilities, and the Federal Government, by the Ministry of Sports and the Brazilian Paralympics Committee.
The 15 programs that the Training Center offers are: athleticism, wheelchair basketball, bocha, swimming, wheelchair fencing, five football, seven football, weight lifting, judo, rugby, tennis, wheelchair tennis, triathlon and seated volleyball. It is divided in 11 sectors, which includes training sport areas, hotel, conventions center, labs, physical conditioning and physical therapy.
Brazilian Paralympics Training Center formalized the start of activities
It took place in the morning of Monday, the 23rd, the opening of the Brazilian Paralympics Training Center, located at the “Fontes do Ipiranga Park”, in São Paulo city.
International reference in the evaluation and training of Para sports athletes, the goal of the Training Center is to foster Brazilian Para sports, creating better conditions for athletes to improve in competitions, emphasizing both advanced techniques and new technologies.
The training center is the result of the partnership between São Paulo State Government, through the São Paulo State Secretary of Rights of People with Disabilities, and the Federal Government, by the Ministry of Sports and the Brazilian Paralympics Committee.
The 15 programs that the Training Center offers are: athleticism, wheelchair basketball, bocha, swimming, wheelchair fencing, five football, seven football, weight lifting, judo, rugby, tennis, wheelchair tennis, triathlon and seated volleyball. It is divided in 11 sectors, which includes training sport areas, hotel, conventions center, labs, physical conditioning and physical therapy.[:es]Centro Paralímpico Brasileño formaliza primeras actividades
Ocurrió en la mañana del lunes 23 de mayo el inicio de las actividades del Centro de Entrenamiento Paralímpico Brasileño, ubicado en Fontes do Ipiranga Park, en San Pablo.
Con referencia internacional en formación y evaluación de paradeportistas, el centro de formación tiene como objetivo promover el paradeporte brasileños, creando las condiciones para que los atletas se destaquen en las competencias, con énfasis en técnicas avanzadas y nuevas tecnologías.
El centro es el resultado de una asociación entre el Gobierno del Estado de San Pablo, por medio de la Secretaría de Estado para los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad, con el Gobierno Federal, el Ministerio de Deportes y el Comité Paralímpico Brasileño.
Las 15 disposiciones que las características del CT son: atletismo, baloncesto en silla de ruedas, petanca, natación, silla de ruedas esgrima, fútbol 5, fútbol 7, goalball, levantamiento de pesas, judo, rugby, tenis, tenis en silla , triatlón y voleibol sentado. Se divide en 11 sectores que se componen por áreas deportivas de entrenamiento, hotel, centro de convenciones, laboratorios, gimnasio y fisioterapia.[:]